Five facts duke nukem forever
Five facts duke nukem forever

But if you wanted him to be evil, he could just go and kick some pigeons. There’d be certain things he could do, helping out in his community, that would make him a better person. I think his statistics would work like that morality system in Fable. I don’t know much about Duke Nukem, but it’s a lot of guns and a lot of manly men, so it would be quite nice for him to see the error of his ways and reject the whole persona of this big horrible manly stereotype, and help poor children. Viki Johnson, A Little Red Panda (Princess to the Rescue) We’d turn it into a first-person find’em-up. That was really funny to us, so we’d just make him look for stuff all the time. In Duke Nukem 3D, when he walked into a room and was looking for something he used to go, “Uh, uh, where is it?”. Sarah and James Woodrow, Utopian World of Sandwiches (Chompy Chomp Chomp) I just think Austin Powers would really work.

five facts duke nukem forever

As Austin Powers, it would really work, right? Everyone’s really embarrassed of him because he’s got these old 1990s-style opinions and attitudes. I’d keep the original way of having very key locations with the Doom-style locked doors thing, but every time you opened a door I’d change the environment. Will Porter, writer (Alien Isolation, Project Zomboid) Because Duke Nukem is so sexist and 1980s boys’ club, I think it would be really awesome if you created an Imperator Furiosa-style Lady Nukem and then made a game around her. One thing that I like about the Battlestar Galactica reboot is how Starbuck became a woman and it completely changed the dynamic between Starbuck and Apollo. It’s about Duke becoming a better person. Duke was his nickname when he was 14 years old, and it stuck, and he never really outgrew it because he’s still, mentally, 14. Then he goes back to his birth name, which is probably not Duke Nukem, it’s Nathaniel Esquire, and he’s from Shropshire. Maybe he works as a teacher by the end of it. Maybe he has to rise up from working in a shooting range, some really obnoxious job, and then he eventually ends up in the community helping out less able people.

five facts duke nukem forever

He must learn to cook, probably, instead of shooting. He has to go on dates, but then he’ll reference 80s rom-coms and no one wants to hear about them anymore. You’d have to get rid of all his They Live and Terminator quotes and replace them with more modern things. Jay Baylis, Chucklefish Games (Starbound)ĭuke Nukem is a relic of a bygone age – all his cultural references are outdated. And then everyone has to go home because you’ve shot an alien.

five facts duke nukem forever

Then you get shoplifters and aliens that you can shoot at. Shoppers buy random stuff and you have to take their card and put it in the card reader, and then make sure their pin is correct, then hand them their receipt. Then he’d be working at a check-out, and it would be like Papers, Please. Then you’d go into your job, where you’d be like, “I saved the world,” but no one would remember. He’d be sat there reading 50 Shades of Grey, mumbling it to himself. I’d have Duke start off on a bus ride, because you’ve got to start every good first-person shooter on a tram.

five facts duke nukem forever

To help out the clearly very busy Gearbox team, we interviewed several candidates for the job. So who would be the correct partner to really explore this macho iconoclast? The answer, of course, is an indie developer. “That was sort of the toll we had to pay.” He then explained that while Gearbox has carried out some concept development for the franchise, they’d need to work with the “correct developer” to make a new game. “I did not acquire the franchise merely to make sure we could all experience Duke Nukem Forever,” Pitchford said.

Five facts duke nukem forever